Sunday, July 13, 2014

Show Time Baby!

After not showing at all in about 7 years, I made my first debut in 7 years at a local show with Alaric (his first show). My daughter, Audri and her pony, Stella also attended (their second show). Audri and Stella placed 7th out of 7 in Leadline Equitation and 1st out of 7 in Leadline Pleasure. Audri was more concerned with waving to the audience and telling them Stella is her pony than she was about posting the trot. They were certainly the cutest pair there (though I'm a bit biased). Hope you're all ready for a heavy dose of cute!

Loving her pony after their classes (Grammy is holding Audri)

Alaric and I competed in 4 larger classes. Despite a ride that I was overjoyed with (despite his spooking at the announcers booth and picking up the wrong lead to the right), we did not place in our first Pleasure class of around 15 horses/riders. We placed 4th of 9 in Hunter Under Saddle, which I was ecstatic over and placed 7th in Adult Pleasure and Adult Equitation. All classes were against larger classes of seasoned horses and riders so I felt blessed just to place! Until today, I considered Alaric still a bit green. 

He shied away from the announcers booth all day (photo above)

Friday, July 11, 2014

Old Posts Suddenly Appearing

If my readers are wondering why a bunch of old posts are suddenly appearing... I have about 20 posts sitting in my drafts that I am editing and publishing as I have time. I sent a bunch of posts to the blog from my email and they need to be edited before being published.

I'm going to start keeping my blog again, so new posts will be appearing too! :)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Trash Thursday

Over two years ago I wrote a post about putting insecurities and negativities out with the trash on Tuesday, what used to be trash day when I lived in Stetson. We don't have a trash day in Union, so I've decided starting today, Thursday will be my trash day, when I will throw out all drama, negativities, insecurities, ect of the week (or longer) and put it out with the trash.

Today I throw out my feelings of failure and not being good enough. I'm going to throw out the fear of being alone. I'm going to throw out the grudges I've held and the tears I've cried that were not worth the water wasted. I'm going to forgive. I'm throwing out the anger that sometimes clouds my better judgement, the disapointment that hurts my future decisions, and the fears that keep me from taking an unknown path. I'm thowing out the battles won along with the battles lost. I call truce.

With a lighter bag and a lighter heart, today I'm moving forward :)